Q&A on Halloween Club's own Spook Show origins
OC WEEKLY (Scott Feinblatt): How did Halloween Club’s Spook Shows get their start?
Dora Alfaro: Halloween Club’s Spook Show got its start four years ago when the owner of the company, Jack Bhasin, came to me to coordinate a meeting place for the Phantom Coaches Hearse Club. He suggested reaching out to local spooky vendors as well to see if they would want to make that meeting into a bigger gathering to celebrate the spirit of Halloween in February… essentially creating an actual Halloween Club. Our very first Spook Show was in February that year.
20th century Spook Shows were traditionally events that consisted of seances, magic shows and monsters, but Halloween Club’s Spook Shows are a friendlier take on all that. However, as we continue to grow the Spook Show, we will incorporate some historical elements. This is why our reviewing process of vendors plays an important (and very difficult because there’s so much talent) role in all this. We look for unique and spooky vendors/performers that represent what Spook Shows once were or hold strong appeal to the different subcultures related to Halloween. Our Halloween Club stores cater to all these groups. This includes people with a penchant for horror, gothic, witches, curios, cryptology, steampunk, and the cosplay scene.
Read the full interview https://www.ocweekly.com/halloween-clubs-spook-show-makes-it-okay-to-be-scary-all-year-round-7010508/
View past Spook Shows here.